Friday, December 21, 2007

Tips Of Registration OF Adsense

See Steps Of Registration and Start Now After Earning In 2 or 5 Days..

Daily Earning : 500 to 1000 Rs. Online..

Tips Of Registration:
First Step: --------------

Second Step :

Form Fill Up:




Start Earning Day To Day:

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Adsense Is Free

Dear internet marketers !

Unless you live under a rock, I'm sure you've heard of AdSense™. Maybe you're like a lot of people and you're tired of hearing about other people making hundreds of dollars a day with AdSense™ while you sit on the sidelines making nothing or barely making enough to get a check every month.

Everyone is excited about AdSense™ because it's so easy to use. Even little hobby sites that haven't made a dime in years are now able to put up these little text ads that earn enough money to pay for hosting and maybe a night on the town once a month.

But when it comes to you... that just isn't enough. You dream of making hundreds – or even thousands – of dollars a month.

As easy as AdSense™ is to use, you still need to know how to drive lots of traffic to your sites, raise your click-through rate to at least 20%, create loads of fresh content, get your pages indexed, and more.

And if you don't know how to do all that, or you're trying to search through pages and pages of forum posts, you're wasting time and money.

We'll just skip the same old hype and 50+ pages of boring nonsense other marketers would subject you to, and just enjoy what we have to offer and how you can use it to boost your AdSense™ income and receive a fat check from Google every month!

Exclusive Software! All Free !

One major thing that sets apart the people who make tons of money from the ones who hardly make any money at all is the custom-made software they use.

The majority of the top AdSense™ earners pay thousands of dollars to have custom software created for them. This gives them the edge they need to make even more money than the average person.

That's right ... many of the top AdSense™ earners pay hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars to have programmers create customized software for them. They usually keep this secret and don't sell their software to anyone else.

And like them, we also have paid programmers a lot of money to create software programs for us. The difference is, we are willing to give access to these priceless tools to you!

Check out software programs you'll have immediate access to:

Ever wanted to know exactly how many people are advertising on AdWords for a particular keyword? Well this software will show you!

This is a great way to find out if your niche is popular or not! For example, the keyword "jokes" is a popular search term... but is it a good keyword to target? According to our software, there are only two companies targeting this keyword. Obviously, the bids for this keyword aren't high if there aren't many companies bidding on it.

This software will also list the URLs of every advertiser who is targeting a specific keyword. We will show you some sneaky ways you can use this information. ;-)

Writing and submitting articles is one of the best (and free!) ways to get great one-way links to your AdSense™ sites.

Reciprocal links are great ... but having Websites link to you without you having to link to them is WAY better. The search engines take your Website more seriously if they think lots of other sites are linking to you naturally.

This tool helps you submit your articles to over 60 different article sites! Using this tool is a quick way to get your site indexed quickly and ranked higher than all the other AdSense™ sites on the Internet!

Relevant press releases make great content for any AdSense™ site! Not only are press releases full of keywords and original content ... but also the visitors to your site find them useful!

There are currently no software programs that we know of that allow you to type in your keyword and find up to 500 or more brand new press releases from multiple sources. That’s why we created our own!

If you build a large number of AdSense™ sites, you probably have to work with lots of large keyword lists all the time, right?

Having a good software program that can clean those lists is worth its weight in gold! But we’ve tried all the ones out there and none of them had all the features we wanted. One list cleaner would have one cool feature and another software program had a different feature we liked ... but in order to use all the features, we had to run our keywords through multiple programs! What a waste of time that was!

The Keyword List Cleaner we developed has all the features you’d expect from an expensive software program. It removes unwanted characters, removes duplicates, removes spaces from the beginning and ending of keywords, removes extra spaces between words, shortens words that are longer than the amount you specify, and more!

Hard-Hitting Lessons! All Free !

You will also learn top-secret information that nobody else even knows about! Some of the things you'll learn are:

  • Why targeting high-paying keywords isn't always the best idea ... make sure you read this before you waste your money on those keyword lists!

  • How to get your Website indexed twice as fast! This is a trick that only a few people know but we swear it is the best way to get more pages in the search engine!

  • Find out what's missing from most AdSense™ sites that can boost your income and make people return again and again!

  • Learn the eight sneaky ways we use our "Google Sponsor Lister" tool to make a lot more money!

  • Skyrocket your click-through rate! A legitimate way to almost FORCE people to click on your AdSense™ ads!

  • Discover how to sign up for AdSense™ without getting rejected by Google. This little trick works every time!

  • We reveal how to stay out of trouble so your AdSense™ account never gets shut down!

  • Find out what you should know before you even think about quitting your job. If you plan on making a living with AdSense™ you MUST read this lesson first!

  • Learn about a new Google tag that lets you tell Google what ads you want displayed on your site!

  • How how to get people write articles for you for as little as $5 each! Then you can use those articles and our Article Site Submitter software to drive tons of traffic to your sites!

  • And much more!

AdSense™ Science Experiments! All Free !

Think of it as the AdSense™ version of the "Myth Busters™"!

There have been a lot of different misconceptions about AdSense™ floating around since the program launched a couple years ago. We decided to put them to the test and sort fact from fiction!

Some of these experiments are:

  • Do keywords in the domain name affect the ads? The only way to know for sure was to run some tests!

  • What works better, blending your ads or making them stand out? Even if you think you know the answer, I'll bet you're only half right!

  • Do meta tags have any effect on what ads are displayed on your site? This has been a hot topic recently and we prove without a doubt what the right answer is!

  • Does the AdSense™ spider help you get indexed? In case you didn't know, when you put AdSense™ ads on your site, Google sends a spider (bot) to your pages. Some people say this spider actually helps you get indexed into the search engines! But is that true?

  • What effect does having a single high PR link pointing at your site have? What happens when it's removed?

  • Does Google's new "XML Sitemap Format" actually help get your site spidered quickly?

  • Do keywords closer to the ad affect it more than keywords at the bottom of the page?

  • Does Google's new tag really make that ads more targeted?

  • And more!

And there's still more, you'll find some additional features that we know you'll really enjoy! We're not going to tell you right now because we want to keep it a surprise... you'll have to read yourself to find out, so go ahead , there is no charge , enjoy!

Proof Of Check Payment By Google Adsense